Ben Bolker píše v Čt 08. 01. 2015 v 17:02 +0000:
> Javier Atalah <Javier.Atalah@...> writes:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Could someone advise me on how to interpret the estimates from a 
> > logistic regression using a cloglog link?
>   Note that this question has been asked, and answered, on 
> Cross Validated ... if you're going to cross-post (which is generally
> discouraged), it's polite to mention that you're doing so (to save
> people the trouble of answering if the question has already been
> answered elsewhere).
>   cheers
>     Ben Bolker
> _______________________________________________
> R-sig-ecology mailing list

Anyway, here is the link to the answer mentioned above (cross-linking as
an answer to cross-posting):

Martin Weiser


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