Hi guys,

I have a question when trying to generate 1000 measures with "for"
function. For example, I have 10 locations with 5 species , and I want to
apply a diversity measure on each site. But when I try to run one is with
my function, I can not, I get an error message: "Error in com[, z] :
subscript out of bounds", and I think it should be a simple mistake, but
I'm not seeing. If you guys can help with it, I would appreciate. Right
below is an example for my code:

comm= a community matrix with 10 sites and 5 species
dist= a pairwise distance-based matrix of species
​ for (z in 1:1000)

  func.sim[z,]<- (t(comm[, z]) %*% (as.matrix(dist)^2) %*%
                 comm[, z])/2/(sum(comm[, z])^2)​


​Error in comm[, z] : subscript out of bounds​

​Best regards,



*Thiago A. Pires*
Ph.D. student in Ecology -  Instituto de Biologia - UNICAMP
Collaborator Researcher - Laboratório de Ecologia e Sistemática - UNIFESP

Email: pires.thiagoaugu...@gmail.com / Skype: thiago.augusto.pires
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