Hi list,


I want to compute the distances between two trajectories that consist of a
sequence of point measurements. The trajectories do not have the same length
or sampling interval. So, while for animal A, there is a data point at 15.00
p.m. and another at 15.38 p.m, animal B might have data points at 14.56 p.m.

and 17.02 p.m.


A possible approach would be to connect these point series to trajectories
and then calculate the distance between the two trajectories at the sampled
positions of one trajectory (take the sampled position of the second
trajectory that is temporally closest). Are there any packages in R (or
tools outside of R) that allow me to do this? The support of other distances
than the Euclidean one (e.g. Fr chet) would be an advantage.


Best regards,



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