Eco-Stats �15: Technological advances between Ecology and 
8-10 December 2015
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Abstract submissions close soon!  (October 9th)

Ecologists and statisticians have much to gain from working together, and this 
conference is designed to provide precisely such an opportunity. This 
conference is a follow-up to the 2013 meeting*, and has been designed as a 
collaborative forum for researchers with interests in ecology, statistics, or 
both. Formal proceedings will start on December 8th with "Skills-Building Day", 
a series of computer-based tutorials run across topics spanning the interests 
of conference speakers.
Then world leaders from ecology and statistics have been paired up to present 
their own perspectives on five topical issues (analysis of metagenomics data in 
ecology, occupancy modelling with imperfect detection, analysing counts along 
stream networks, modern capture-recapture, estimating biodiversity turnover, 
and modelling strategic behaviour during animal combat), and round-table 
discussions will workshop opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration on 
these topics.  Also featured will be a contributed poster session where 
participants can turn the topic of conversation to their own research.  Invited 
speakers include:
- Otso Ovaskainen (University Helsinki)
- Jay ver Hoef (NOAA Alaska)
- Rachel Fewster (University of Auckland)
- Darryl Mackenzie (Proteus Wildlife Research Consulting)
- Alan Welsh (Australian National University)

Further details at

Registration now open � early bird deadline closes 23rd October.
Already coming and want to study up on our speakers?  Visit the study blog
Want to present in the poster session?  Abstract submissions close October 9th.

Hope to see you there!

*Outcomes from the 2013 meeting available as a Special Feature in Methods in 
Ecology and Evolution, April 2015 issue

David Warton
Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow
School of Mathematics and Statistics and the Evolution & Ecology Research Centre
The University of New South Wales NSW 2052 AUSTRALIA
phone (61)(2) 9385-7031
fax (61)(2) 9385-7123

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