After just a quick look I think one reason is that objects created with 
logistf() don't have as many methods for them. For example, I frequently use 
the predict() method with fitted models, and there is no predict method for 
logistf fits. Doesn't mean there couldn't be, but the code hasn't been written 

Drew Tyre

School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
416 Hardin Hall, East Campus
3310 Holdrege Street
Lincoln, NE 68583-0974

phone: +1 402 472 4054 
fax: +1 402 472 2946

-----Original Message-----
From: R-sig-ecology [] On Behalf Of 
Martin Weiser
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 2:11 PM
Subject: [R-sig-eco] glm(binomial) vs. logistf

Dear friends,

Is there any reason why to run logistic regression (binomial response) by glm() 
and not by logistf() by default? In particular when having sparse data (e.g. 8 
presences in 100  samples), frequently with quasi-separation (all presences at 
one level of the predictor, together with many absences).

I tried to read some papers by G. Heinze - I did not get the whole thing, but 
it seems to me that both terms estimation and testing procedure should be more 
reliable using logistf(). Am I wrong? 

So, is there any reason why to use binomial glm?
I am sorry for my ignorance - there should be a reason why people stick to 
glm() - I just do not know what it is. Could you explain it to me or point me 
to something to read, please? I am not a statistician by training, however.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,
Martin W.



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