Dear friends,

I am willing to apply the SAM analytical framework to a dataset of plant
species in coastal Brazil using the SpeciesMix package. The SpeciesMix
package fits Species Archtype Models, a special type of finite mixture of
regression model motivated by the analysis of multi-species data.

In appying function clusterSelect, which helps in defining the best number
of species groups G, I would like to confirm if my understanding is
correct: the formula reported there as "obs ~ 1 + x" in

clusters <- clusterSelect(obs~1+x,dat1$pa,dat,G=2:5,em.refit=2)

is a generic formulation not directly related to the species (dat1$pa) or
environmental (dat) data, isn't it? So in principle I should use this same
formulation as well, understanding that obs stands for the whole species
data matrix, 1 for the presence of a constant, and x for the whole
explanatory dataset?

I tried to apply obs~1+x but it returns an error message, however.

I am kind of blocked here so any thoughts could help...



Dr. Alexandre F. Souza
Professor Adjunto III
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
CB, Departamento de Ecologia
Campus Universitário - Lagoa Nova
59072-970 - Natal, RN - Brasil

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