Hello R-Sig-Eco Mailing List,

I have been familiarising myself with the MaxEnt GUI (v3.3.3k) and have been 
successful in producing a range of models for species of interest to me. For 
better reproducibility and a quicker workflow I have decided to use the Dismo 
package and run MaxEnt through R. I hope this is the right mailing list for me 
to contact.

I have noticed something strange when comparing the outputs of the two methods. 
Using exactly the same environmental layers and occurrence records (n=81) I end 
up with two wildly different predicted distributions when using anything but 
the default application values (as per v3.3.3k).

For my first test I opened the MaxEnt GUI and, leaving all settings at default, 
ran the model for my species. I then ran the exact same model with the 
following code using Dismo and, when plotted, I got the same distribution (as 
expected). x=expl is my rasterStack of environmental variables.


However, if I change settings to anything except default, the maps look totally 
different. For example, if I set regularization=0.5 and prevalence=0.80 in the 
GUI and run the model (keeping all other settings exactly as default) and then 
do the same in R with the following code then the output is different.

xx<-maxent(x=expl,p=spp.coords$garmani, args=c(




This is the code that I used to generate my maps within Dismo. As mentioned 
previously, this code generates identical maps when using the default 
applications settings but not when I specify my own arguments in Dismo.

map<- predict(object=xx,x=expl,na.rm=TRUE,format='ascii',filename= 

The AUCs and variable contributions for both models look nearly identical. I 
would have assumed therefore that the maps wouldn't look so wildly different. I 
have uploaded the maps to the following location so you can see for yourself 
the discrepancy. Maps discrepancy<http://i.stack.imgur.com/zrSqJ.png>.

When analysing the two HTML outputs generated from the models I have only 
noticed the one difference. When using the GUI with 81 presence records and 
10,000 background points I am told that "10020 points used to determine the 
Maxent distribution (background points and presence points)". However, when 
using Dismo I am told "10081 points used to determine the Maxent distribution 
(background points and presence points)". As I mentioned previously, all other 
settings were kept the same (except the arguments as specified above), so 
occurrence records haven't been used in cross-validating, for example.

A final point to mention that has me confused concerns adjusting the default 
number of background points to sample. If I set an argument in Dismo to limit 
background points (e.g. 'maximumbackground=2500') the HTML output in the model 
gives me conflicting information. Under the 'Raw data outputs and control 
parameters' section at the bottom of the page I am informed that "10081 points 
used to determine the Maxent distribution (background points and presence 
points)" but a little further down the page it says "maximumbackground:2500". 
Does anyone know why two different numbers have been quoted here? Is there a 
way for me to determine for certain whether 2500 points were used or 10,081? I 
can confirm that my raster has may more non-NA cells than 10,000.

I was wondering if anyone else had come across these 'issues' before. Am I 
doing something fundamentally wrong within R for the two distributions to be so 
different, for example using the wrong syntax? I have received no errors when 
running any models so I thought this possibility may be unlikely. I thought 
that maybe I would have to specify all the arguments in Dismo (even if I wish 
to keep them at default) but after some research I'm led to believe that Dismo 
will just pull the GUI application defaults if you have not defined an argument 
to say otherwise.

Finally, I can confirm that I am running the latest versions of R, Dismo, Java 
and MaxEnt. My R and Java environments are x64.

Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks for your time.


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