Hi all,

Anyone out there using Hawthorne's
Geospatial Modelling Environment (Version (software). URL: 

He has a set of examples for running iterations for running the same GIS 
data extractions using a loop.

The example given is for kernel density estimates based on a set of 
input points.  This uses R paste commands for inpath and outpath and 
defines the variable for the iterations
Where the i = animal IDs and the j = months

inpath <- "C:\data\"

outpath <- "C:\output\"

for (i in 1001:1010) {

for (j in 1:12) {

kde(in=paste(inpath, "telemetry.shp"), out=paste(outpath, "kde_an", i, 
"_m", j, ".img"), bandwidth=1000, cellsize=r.eval((250000-120000)/2000), 
where=paste("ANIMALID=", i, " AND MONTH=", j));



What I am trying is to generate Minimum Convex polygons using this code 
below.  i= bat ID and j= survey night for radio tracking.
inpath <-" Z:\_MCP\Feb_bats\Stonehouse\"
outpath <-" Z:\_MCP\Feb_MCP_by_bat\Stonehouse\"
for (i in 1:19) {
for (j in 1:22) {
genmcp(in=paste(inpath," Stonehouse_nights.shp"), 
out=paste(outpath,"MCP_Bat", i, "_night", j, ), where=paste("Bat=", i, " 
AND Night=", j));};};

I continue to get the following error message:
Error: The default input/output working folders have not been specified, 
therefore not enough information has been supplied to open the specified 
data source

Error: Could not open input point data source.

Apparently I am blind, senile or both as it appears the in and out paths 
are defined.

Hopefully a fresh set of eyes will spot the issue.



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