Hi everyone,

What is the best way to express the goodness of fit for a model obtained by 
generalized least squares (using gls function from nlme package)? I don’t want 
to compare this model with other models, so AIC is not a good choice in this 
case. Is it right to use the approach proposed by NAKAGAWA, S.; SCHIELZETH, H. 
A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear 
mixed-effects models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, v. 4, n. 2, p. 133–142, 
2013 (rsquared{piecewiseSEM}) to calculate the marginal squared r even if my 
model is a simple regression instead a mixed model? For mixed models we get, in 
the output, values for marginal and conditional squared r. For models only with 
fixed effects we get a value for only one squared r.

Diego Sotto Podadera  
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