Dear all,
I have already looked at similar questions about this topic but I still
have few doubts.
when I run:
data(varespec, varechem)
ord <- metaMDS(varespec)
(fit <- envfit(ord, varechem, perm = 999))

I get this output:

            NMDS1    NMDS2     r2 Pr(>r)
N        -0.05738 -0.99835 0.2536  0.041 *
P         0.61980  0.78476 0.1938  0.105
K         0.76650  0.64225 0.1810  0.098 .
Ca        0.68524  0.72832 0.4119  0.001 ***

are the numbers under NMDS1-2  the direction of the arrow or they show
to which axis is the variable correlated? if I look at N can I conclude
that N is negatively correlated to NMDS2, while K is positively correlated
to NMDS1? is it possible to get the correlation coefficient of a variable
with the axes? here we have r2 but I don’t understand if it refers to both
of the axis or just one.

thanks a lot for any help!

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