Ah ok thanks David! I downloaded from Github and all is making sense for me

Most appreciated,


On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 11:51 PM David Warton <david.war...@unsw.edu.au>

> Hi Jo,
> OooooK, I see your point, sorry for slowness.  Yes the residuals look a
> bit wonky on your first glm1path plot (ft2).  I’ve dug into the reason and
> found a bug in the code for residual.glm1path nbinom fits, where it was
> using the wrong parameterisation of overdispersion in computing residuals.
> Now fixed on github J.
> All the best
> David
> *From:* Joanne Potts <joa...@theanalyticaledge.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 5 December 2018 9:49 AM
> *To:* David Warton <david.war...@unsw.edu.au>
> *Cc:* r-sig-ecology@r-project.org
> *Subject:* Re: mvabund: difference between 'glm1path' and 'manyglm'
> Thanks David for getting back to me.  I think I have followed your answer,
> thank you, and I get that when one specifies the theta value, all the
> ft3$phis are now constant for each lambda.
> Now I wonder if there is any value of ever specifying "
> negative.binomial(theta) " as I did below with ft3 (cf the ?glm1path helpfile)
> to improve the residuals, when using the LASSO? I guess I always thought
> the LASSO was a more robust way to select models but it seems the residuals
> of ft2 suggest otherwise.
> These questions are motivated for some over dispersed seal-fish data for a
> student in Sydney (as we've discussed off list) but I guess these questions
> are more of a theoretical nature. I over came my social phobia of posting
> on a list instead of hassling you privately(!), maybe someone else can
> value from this discussion too :)
> Thanks once again,
> Jo
> On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 12:10 AM David Warton <david.war...@unsw.edu.au>
> wrote:
> Hi Jo,
> Thanks for the e-mail, always good to see statistical modelling questions
> on this list!
> In the mvabund package, you can fit trait models using different methods
> of estimation, method=”manyglm” will fit a GLM, “glm1path” will fit a GLM
> with a LASSO penalty (chosen using BIC by default but there are other
> options).  The way we coded LASSO negative binomial regression was to
> update estimates of the overdispersion parameter as the slope parameters
> update.  Because the LASSO fit gives different slope parameters, it will
> also have a different overdispersion parameter.  It probably has a larger
> overdispersion parameter, because the LASSO pushes slope parameters away
> from the best (in-sample) fit hence there is more unexplained variation in
> the LASSO model.
> All the best
> David
> Professor David Warton
> School of Mathematics and Statistics, Evolution & Ecology Research Centre,
> Centre for Ecosystem Science
> UNSW Sydney
> phone +61(2) 9385 7031
> fax +61(2) 9385 7123
> http://www.eco-stats.unsw.edu.au
> *From:* Joanne Potts <joa...@theanalyticaledge.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, 30 November 2018 1:51 AM
> *To:* r-sig-ecology@r-project.org
> *Cc:* David Warton <david.war...@unsw.edu.au>
> *Subject:* mvabund: difference between 'glm1path' and 'manyglm'
> Hi David and list,
> Can someone please help me understand why, when changing the
> 'method=manyglm' argument to 'method=glm1path' under default settings
> (negative binomial) the estimates of theta change in the 'trait.glm'
> function?
> I have provided example code below us the antTraits data set. And you
> should see the plots for ft and ft3 are similar, yet ft2 is quite
> different, so I think I am missing something (no doubt, probably very
> obvious!).
> Advice appreciated, thank you.
> Jo
> data(antTraits)
> ft=traitglm(antTraits$abund,antTraits$env,antTraits$traits,method="manyglm")
> ft$phi
> ft$theta
> qqnorm(residuals(ft)); abline(c(0,1),col="red")
> ft2=traitglm(antTraits$abund,antTraits$env,antTraits$traits,method="glm1path")
> mean(ft2$phis)
> qqnorm(residuals(ft2)); abline(c(0,1),col="red")
> ft3=traitglm(antTraits$abund,antTraits$env,antTraits$traits,method="glm1path",
> negative.binomial(theta=1.641763))
> 1/mean(ft3$phis)
> qqnorm(residuals(ft3)); abline(c(0,1),col="red")
> --
> Kind regards,
> Joanne Potts
> ___________________
> Statistical Consultant
> theanalyticaledge.com
> --
> Kind regards,
> Joanne Potts
> ___________________
> Statistical Consultant
> theanalyticaledge.com

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