
I don't know a function that does this, but it is extremely easy to code.

Dist objects are vectors containing the 1st stage pairwise dissimilarities.   
Call those dist1, dist2, dist3, ...  So alldist <- cbind(dist1=dist1, 
dist2=dist2, ...) will assemble the matrix of dissimilarities with useful 
column names.  stage2 <- as.dist(1-cor(alldist)) will compute the matrix of 
correlations, convert from similarity (the correlation) to distance 
(1-correlation) and convert to a distance object.  Then just run your favorite 
MDS on stage2.  

Note: sometimes folks prefer sqrt(1-cor) as the "correlation distance", instead 
of 1-cor.  I don't know which Clarke prefers.

Philip Dixon

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