Hi all,

I am still searching for a way to extract associations between 2 vector polygon layers using R.

What I need is information on if this is possible and if so which packages to use and a basic set of code to do what I can run in the GIS software.

For each iteration I have a vector polygon of a bat species distributions.
Depending on the country  the number of these can range from only a dozen to > 150 species distribution shape files.

What I need to do is use the most current habitat/ecosystem vector layers for each geographic area and then extract the species overlapping values.  This creates a new shape file that has added to the species data table all values for the ecosystem where the species polygons overlap the ecosystem polygons.  This provides habitat associations for each species.

Then the table is exported to Excel and the data is used for Interactive Identification Keys for New World Bat calls. This eliminates species that do not occur in a given ecosystem as people work on IDing their bats form acoustic surveys.

I assume this can be accomplished using R.

I have a new ecosystem data set of polygons for Peru, for example that is very detailed.  I extracted one species late yesterday. It took >8 hours in the GIS to compile the areas where the species distribution and ecosystem areas overlapped! I would like to do this in R as a batch file and run on another computer so not to tie up my main workstation.

Any guidance or suggestions welcomed.


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