Dear all,
still places left on our 3-day course "Introductory Rmarkdown":
Where: Free University (FU) Berlin
When: 9-11 December
Instructor: Dr. Rob Knell (Queen Mary University of London, UK)
Format: This course is designed for academics and graduate students with an 
interest in reproducible research using Rmarkdown. We will cover all of the 
important techniques for generating elegant, reproducible documents in a wide 
variety of formats. A strong emphasis on hands-on exercises means that 
attendees will get ample opportunities to generate their own documents and gain 
experience of producing advanced and sophisticated documents using Rmarkdown. 
Assumed knowledge: No prior knowledge or experience with Rmarkdown is 
necessary. Some experience with R will be assumed but advanced R knowledge will 
not be necessary. Exercises will be designed to be run RStudio but users who 
wish to use other interfaces with R will also benefit.

Learning outcomes

Understand the principles of literate programming and reproducible research
Generating structured documents using markdown and incorporate R code into them
Include material such as mathematical formulae, tables, footnotes and references
Use chunk options to control the output of individual code chunks and global 
options and headers to customise the whole document
Be able to proficiently generate documents in a variety of formats including 
html, pdf, MS word and html5 slides
Customise documents using themes, html and LaTeX markup and include advanced 
html features such as tabs and interactive charts.
For the full programme, please see: [ ]( )
Here is the full list of our courses and Workshops: [ ]( )
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

Twitter: @physacourses

mobile: +49 17645230846!forum/physalia-courses
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