Dear researchers at the interface between ecology and statistics,
The abstract submission deadline has been extended to next Monday, December 9 
2019, for the International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC2020, June 
22-26, 2020, Sydney Australia).  So you need to get cracking!  Bursaries are 
available to presenters from developing countries.  Registration is also open. 

Plenary speakers:
- Christl Donnelly (Imperial College, London)
- David Borchers (St Andrews)
- Di Cook (Monash)
- Kiona Ogle (Northern Arizona)
- Mark Bravington (CSIRO)

Invited sessions on:
- Reproducible Science with Fiona Fidler (Melbourne), Shinichi Nakagawa (UNSW 
- Methods for high throughput community data with Doug Yu (East Anglia)

ISEC2020 is a family-friendly event - we plan to organise child care at the 
conference venue for anyone travelling with young children.
The first day of the conference is a Skills Showcase, with 90-minute 
introductory tutorials on deep learning, high-dimensional data visualisation, 
acoustics, spatial capture-recapture, multivariate analysis, hidden Markov 
models, point processes, and more.  We have several spots left in our Skills 
Showcase program - send us your ideas!

Do you want to do some science while at the conference?  We plan to organise 
lunchtime round-table discussions on topical issues, where each table takes a 
topic and works towards a plan for a paper they could write to address it.  
Outcomes will be reported to delegates in a plenary session, and paper plans 
will be submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution as an ISEC2020 Special 
Issue proposal.  Send us your ideas for discussion topics at

To find out more go to the conference website
See you in Sydney,
The ISEC2020 Local Organizing Committee

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