Good morning,I hope this email finds you well.I am looking for a copy of
the GEBCO Digital Atlas (GDA). General Bhatrimetric Chart of the Ocean. The
GEBCO Digital Atlas (GDA) was a two-volume DVD and CDROM set that contained
GEBCO's 30 arc-second interval global gridded bathymetric data set and
GEBCO Centenary release collection of bathymetric contours.
Is anyone has a copy of this or do you know where can I find it? I really
needed a copy of it.Thanks for you help.Best Regards,Valeria

On Mon, 30 Mar 2020 at 11:06, <> wrote:

> Send R-sig-ecology mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of R-sig-ecology digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. vISEC2020, June 22-26 Sydney - new abstracts due Friday
>       (David Warton)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2020 02:51:25 +0000
> From: David Warton <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [R-sig-eco] vISEC2020, June 22-26 Sydney - new abstracts due
>         Friday
> Message-ID:
>         <
> >
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear researchers at the interface between ecology and statistics,
> New abstract submissions for the virtual International Statistical Ecology
> Conference (vISEC2020) are due **this Friday, 5pm GMT** (for those who did
> not submit an abstract previously because of travel constraints).  Submit
> new abstracts at:
> vISEC2020 will capture all the main features we had originally planned for
> the International Statistical Ecology Conference, but in a way that ensures
> anyone, anywhere can access and participate in the whole program (with
> internet access). In particular, we can confirm that vISEC2020 will include
> - Plenary speakers: Christl Donnelly (Imperial College, London), David
> Borchers (St Andrews), Di Cook (Monash), Kiona Ogle (Northern Arizona),
> Mark Bravington (CSIRO)
> - A Skills Showcase with introductory computer-based tutorials on
> high-dimensional data visualisation, acoustics, multivariate analysis,
> hidden Markov models, and more.
> - Invited sessions on Reproducible Science (Shinichi Nakagawa, Hannah
> Fraser) and Methods for high throughput community data
> - Contributed talks
> - Poster session
> - "Round table" discussions (Building towards a Special Issue proposal to
> Methods in Ecology and Evolution)
> - a platform for free-form and pre-scheduled discussions with other
> conference participants
> - a social program, including trivia night!  And whale-watching.  Maybe
> karaoke.
> - support for those from developing countries and with significant family
> responsibilities (primarily by waiving registration and broadcasting to
> your lounge room!)
> The timing of most vISEC2020 activities will be shifted towards
> afternoons/evenings Sydney time, to better align with international
> timezones (mostly likely between 3am and 12pm GMT).
> Registration costs will be minimal - if there are any, they can be waived
> on request.
> We recognise that many chose not to come to ISEC2020 because of travel or
> family constraints. Now that these have been relaxed, we have reopened
> abstract submission at
> for two weeks - please submit an abstract by **Friday April 3rd, 5pm GMT**
> and it will be double-blind reviewed, for presentation at vISEC2020.  All
> previously accepted abstracts do not need to be resubmitted.
> We are excited by the opportunity to bring the statistical ecology
> community together remotely for the first time, and will work to make this
> an ISEC to remember.
> To find out more go to the conference website:
> If you have any questions please send them to:
> See you in virtually in June,
> The vISEC2020 Local Organizing Committee
> Twitter: @isec2020
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
> _______________________________________________
> R-sig-ecology mailing list
> ------------------------------
> End of R-sig-ecology Digest, Vol 144, Issue 11
> **********************************************

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