Dear all,

I am fitting maxent models within the dismo package. I am trying to perform
several replicates on the model, in which 80% of presences will be retained
as training data and the other 20% as testing data, in order to get a mean
value of AUC across all models.

The code I am using is the following:

me <- maxent(predictors, occtrain, factors=c("bion", "morfo_roc",
"morfo_bloc", "morfo_sedgruesos", "morfo_sedmuyfin", "morfo_veg",
"morfo_sedfinos"), args("replicates=100"))

However I get the error:
Error in args("replicates=100") :
  no se pudo encontrar la función "replicates=100", which means that the
function "replicates=10" was not possible to be found.

So I don't know how I could automate the process so I don't have to perform
all the replicates by hand. Reading on the literature I thought it was the
(args=replicates) way, but it does not seem to be.

Any advice will be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot,


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