I am trying to perform a rda analysis with nutrients data as response
variables and environmental data as explanatory variables. I have already
used both kinds of data for other rdaes but this time I have been getting
different kinds of errors that I am not able to fix. Would you mind helping
with that, please?

df<-read.csv("nutrients env var.csv")

1) Error in decorana(df) :
  all row sums must be >0 in the community matrix: remove empty sites

rda1 <- rda(df[c(1:5)]~CN +TOC+ Chla +Phaeo+ ChlaPhaeo+ Tot_lipids +Depth
+Gravel+ Sand + Mud +Silt +Clay +ProkAbu
,scale = TRUE)
2) Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'CN' not found

I looked online for some solutions and the only one I found for error 1 was
to delete samples with 0 and or NA. Regarding error 2, I am not completely
sure honestly.

If you can kindly help me with that, it would be very appreciated please.

Many thanks.
Kind regards,
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