Dear all,
there are still a few seats available for the the course "Network Analysis in 

Format: online, 27 -31 March 2023
This course will provide a complete guide to carrying out network analysis, 
from data collection to publishable results. The first two days cover networks 
as a data structure, talking about how to recognise them, make them from a 
dataset, convert them into analysable formats, and visualise them. The next 
three days expand on this foundation by talking about network modelling itself, 
going through the different options for analytical approaches and linking them 
with hypothesis testing.
This course will provide a complete guide to carrying out network analysis, 
from data collection to publishable results. The first two days cover networks 
as a data structure, talking about how to recognise them, make them from a 
dataset, convert them into analysable formats, and visualise them. The next 
three days expand on this foundation by talking about network modelling itself, 
going through the different options for analytical approaches and linking them 
with hypothesis testing. There will be several opportunities to introduce and 
use your own data, and therefore to develop plans for carrying out your own 
analyses. The course will be very interactive and will come with code, with a 
combination of quick quizzes, supervised sessions, independent hands-on 
sessions, and brief group discussions.
For more information about our courses and Workshops, please have a look at: [ ]( )
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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