The fifth course in our 8 part R-series is an introduction to data
vvualisation using ggplot2.

ONLINE COURSE – Data visualization with ggplot2 using R and Rstudio (DVGG04)

5th - 7th  December

Please feel free to share!

Limited early bird tickets available prioced @ £150.00

Courses are recorded to accommodate different time zones. All attendees
will have access to recordings for a further 3 months after the course to
revisit any of the classes.

*COURSE OVERVIEW - *In this two day course, we provide a comprehensive
introduction to data visualization in R using ggplot. On the first day, we
begin by providing a brief overview of the general principles data
visualization, and an overview of the general principles behind ggplot. We
then proceed to cover the major types of plots for visualizing
distributions of univariate data: histograms, density plots, barplots, and
Tukey boxplots. In all of these cases, we will consider how to visualize
multiple distributions simultaneously on the same plot using different
colours and “facet” plots. We then turn to the visualization of bivariate
data using scatterplots. Here, we will explore how to apply linear and
nonlinear smoothing functions to the data, how to add marginal histograms
to the scatterplot, add labels to points, and scale each point by the value
of a third variable. On Day 2, we begin by covering some additional plot
types that are often related but not identical to those major types covered
on Day 1: frequency polygons, area plots, line plots, uncertainty plots,
violin plots, and geospatial mapping. We then consider more fine grained
control of the plot by changing axis scales, axis labels, axis tick points,
colour palettes, and ggplot “themes”. Finally, we consider how to make
plots for presentations and publications. Here, we will introduce how to
insert plots into documents using RMarkdown, and also how to create
labelled grids of subplots of the kind seen in many published articles.

Please email with any questions.

Oliver Hooker PhD.
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