ONLINE COURSE – Reproducible and collaborative data analysis with R (RACR03)

This course consists of 6 x 3 hour sessions on the 28, 29, 30 August and 4,
5, 6 September 2024

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ABOUT THIS COURSE - The computational part of a research is considered
reproducible when other scientists (including ourselves in the future) can
obtain identical results using the same code, data, workflow and software.
Research results are often based on complex statistical analyses which make
use of various software. In this context, it becomes rather difficult to
guarantee the reproducibility of the research, which is increasingly
considered a requirement to assess the validity of scientific claims.
Moreover, reproducibility is not only important for findings published in
academic journals. It also becomes relevant for sharing analyses within a
team, with external collaborators and with one’s supervisor. During this
course, the participants will be introduced to a suite of tools they can
use in combination with R to make reproducible the computational part of
their own research. A strong emphasis is given to collaboration, and
participants will learn how to set up a project to work with other people
in an efficient way.

At the start off the course, participants learn about the most important
aspects that make research reproducible, which go beyond simply sharing R
code. This includes problems arising from the use of different packages
versions, R versions, and operating systems. The concept of research
compendium is introduced and proposed as general framework to organise any
research project. The course then moves on to version control with Git and
GitHub which are fundamental tools for keeping track of code changes and
for collaborating with other people on the same project. We will cover
both, basic and more advanced features, like tagging, branching, and
merging. Towards the end of the course the participants are introduced to
literate programming using Quarto (the new scientific and publishing system
recently released by RStudio) with the focus on writing a scientific
article or report. The aim is to bind the outputs of the R analysis (i.e.
results, tables, and figures) together with the text of the article.
Participants will also learn how to use templates to fulfil requirements of
different journals.
Please email with any questions

Upcoming courses
ONLINE COURSE – Using Google Earth Engine in Ecological Studies (GEEE01)
This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Reproducible and collaborative data analysis with R
(RACR03) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Multivariate Analysis Of Ecological Communities Using R
With The VEGAN package (VGNR06) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Hidden Markov Models for movement, acceleration and other
ecological data – an introduction using moveHMM and momentuHMM in R
(HMMM01) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Time Series Analysis and Forecasting using R and Rstudio
(TSAF01) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Remote sensing data analysis and coding in R for ecology
(RSDA01) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Metabarcoding and Metagenomics Analysis
(IMAM01) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Bioacoustics Data Analysis using R and Studio (BIAC04) This
course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Metabarcoding Pipelines for Eukariotic Communities (MPEC01)
This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Genome Assembly and Annotation (GAAA01) This course will be
delivered live
IN PERSON COURSE – Hierarchical modelling in ecology (HMIE01) (Université
de Sherbrooke, Canada)
ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Machine Learning using R and Rstudio
(IMLR02) This course will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to Single Cell Analysis (ISCA01) This course
will be delivered live
ONLINE COURSE – Species Distribution Modelling With Bayesian Statistics
Using R (SDMB06) This course will be delivered live
Best wishes,


Oliver Hooker PhD.
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