Dear all,
Are you ready to elevate your skills in ecological remote sensing? We are 
excited to invite you to our upcoming online course, Advanced Ecological Remote 
Sensing in R, running from September 23-26.
Course website: [ ]( )
Why Join?
This course is designed for researchers and professionals eager to harness the 
full potential of remote sensing data in ecological studies. You’ll gain both 
theoretical knowledge and practical experience with cutting-edge R packages 
like imageRy, ggridges, ecochange, sdm, ecospat, fuzzySim, and rasterdiv.
What You Will Learn:
Develop and customize remote sensing packages in R.
Perform advanced multitemporal ecological analyses.
Model species distributions using remote sensing data.
Analyze ecosystem variability with innovative methods.
Course Schedule:
Daily Sessions: 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM (Berlin time)
Interactive Workshops: Dive into hands-on exercises and real-world applications.
Best regards,

Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D

Physalia-courses DIRECTOR

mobile: +49 17645230846

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