Hmmm. That seems like a rather heavy dependency, given that I think we've
only been forced to do rebuilds for everything as a result of 4.0.0 and

Does anyone know if upstream has any sort of commitment to ABI here that we
could depend on (e.g. only breaking on major versions, never minor) ?


On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 5:32 AM Iñaki Ucar <> wrote:

> On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 05:46, Tom Callaway <> wrote:
> >
> > Thinking out loud here... do we want to have some macro magic to embed a
> > dependency on an R(ABI) provides? Where R 4.0.0 would provide R(ABI) = 4
> > and all R packages built against it would pick up Requires: R(ABI) = 4 ?
> Note that recompilation is sometimes required too for minor version
> changes, so the virtual provides should include the minor version to
> be in the safe side.
> > I don't suppose we need it, since the likelihood of someone installing R
> > module packages but not updating R is low, but I wanted to throw it out
> > there.
> Or updating R and not updating R packages. Even if the chances are
> low, I think it's a cheap thing to add and would make the installation
> more robust to this kind of issue.
> --
> Iñaki Úcar
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