Change the bounds for alpha (which default to positive and based on the
[1,1] model):

>setbounds(STOXX50.tgarch21.spec)<-list(alpha1=c(-1,1), alpha2=c(-1,1))


PS TGARCH is for the standard deviation (and hence does not nest the
vanilla GARCH) whilst GJR is for the variance (subtle little difference
which appears to escape many).

On 12/08/2014 11:00, Urs Gröpl wrote:
> Dear all,
> I really enjoy working with the rugarch package and now my first question 
> came up.
> I have a problem regarding the GJR-GARCH model implementation in the rugarch 
> package in R.
> I want to fit it to the EURO STOXX 50 index return series, but after fitting 
> it, there is still significant autocorrelation at lag 1 and the Sign Bias 
> tests show still evidence for asymmetric effects.
> There is no such problem with the GARCH(2,1) and EGARCH(2,1), only with the 
> GJR-GARCH(2,1). I checked several other orders of the model, but it didn’t 
> help.
> There is no error message, the GJR model just fails to incorporate the 
> asymmetric effects and the alpha estimates are zero.
> I tried all solvers, changed the starting value, and increased the iteration 
> numbers. The GJR-GARCH nested in the APARCH or fGARCH function yield the same 
> problem.
> I was asking myself, whether the failure is just due to the model itself or 
> if there could be numerical problems, even there is no error message.
> Here is my code for the model specification and fitting:
> STOXX50.tgarch21.spec=ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="gjrGARCH",garchOrder=c(2,1)),mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(5,0)),,ar2=0,ar4=0),distribution.model="sstd")
> I retrieved the data from the yahoo finance website:
> symbol.vec = c("^STOXX50E")
> getSymbols(symbol.vec,from="2000-01-03",to="2013-12-31")
> STOXX50=STOXX50E[,"STOXX50E.Adjusted",drop=F]
> length(STOXX50)
> rtnSTOXX50=CalculateReturns(STOXX50, method="log")
> rtnSTOXX50=rtnSTOXX50 [-1,]
> colnames(rtnSTOXX50)="STOXX50"
> I would be deeply grateful for any advice.
> Thank you very much in advance for your answer.
> Regards,
> Urs
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