
As you can tell from the final example, I really appreciate the look and feel 
of ggplot2 and use it for most of my non-map plots. However, I have, maybe 
wrongly, presumed fortify only works for spatial polygons and lines. I often 
have a need to map spatial points, pixels or grids and so have stuck with 
spplot for most of my mapping.

On Dec 9, 2010, at 3:36 PM, Hadley Wickham wrote:

> ggplot2 + coord_map() already does graticules in a similar manner, as
> far as I can tell.
> Hadley
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Pierre Roudier <pierre.roud...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> That really is a neat piece of code. Very interested - the result
>> looks very much like a ggplot2 plot, which I'm a big fan.
>> Cheers,
>> Pierre
>> 2010/12/9 Josh London <josh.lon...@noaa.gov>:
>>> Hello
>>> One of the features I often find myself wanting within spplot is the 
>>> ability to produce graticules (with corresponding axis labels) that 
>>> represent latitude/longitude lines for projected data. I often find myself 
>>> searching the R archives and google for examples and methods for 
>>> accomplishing this, but have always come up empty.
>>> This has been partially possible by using the gridlines() function within 
>>> sp and then projecting those spatial lines to the desired projection. There 
>>> are two drawbacks to this solution:
>>> 1) Often the extent of the projected gridlines is smaller than the data of 
>>> interest so the lines stop short of the plot borders
>>> 2) There is no documented method I've found for producing the axis labels 
>>> with degree units for each of the gridlines. gridat() is close but only 
>>> supports unprojected data
>>> So, I ventured forth and pulled together a few functions that attempt to 
>>> provide a generalized solution in the hopes that a) there's not some 
>>> existing, obvious, solution my endless searching has overlooked and b) 
>>> other folks could take advantage of it and maybe expand/improve on it.
>>> I've pulled everything together in a draft package, ProjectedGridlines, and 
>>> it is available on GitHub (https://github.com/jmlondon/ProjectedGridlines). 
>>> I've got some basic draft documentation in there for those interested.
>>> I make no claims to the code being elegant or an approach that will work 
>>> for everyone. The main purpose here was to get something that works and 
>>> distribute it.
>>> Below, I include the three functions and a reproducible example based on 
>>> the north carolina dataset included with the maptools package. I've copied 
>>> over some of the roxygen documentation, but those interested in more 
>>> details should check the files on GitHub.
>>> Cheers
>>> Josh
>>> GetGratLines<-function(spobj,proj_str,exp_deg,ndisc=500,...){
>>>        sp...@bbox[1,1]<-sp...@bbox[1,1]+exp_deg$l
>>>        sp...@bbox[1,2]<-sp...@bbox[1,2]+exp_deg$r
>>>        sp...@bbox[2,1]<-sp...@bbox[2,1]+exp_deg$b
>>>        sp...@bbox[2,2]<-sp...@bbox[2,2]+exp_deg$t
>>>        gl<-spTransform(gridlines(spobj,ndisc=ndisc,...),CRS(proj_str))
>>>        return(gl)
>>> }
>>> #' @param spobj an unrpojected sp object that is the basis of the final 
>>> projected outcome
>>> #' @param proj_str a proj4 string specifying the desired projection
>>> #' @param exp_deg is a named list with values l,r,b,t specifying the amount 
>>> in decimal
>>> #' degrees each side (left, right, bottom, top) should be expanded to 
>>> account for differences
>>> #' in extent between the projected gridlines and the final projected extent 
>>> of spobj
>>> #' @param ... passing of parameters relevant to gridlines()
>>> GetDegreeLabels<-function(spobj){
>>>        ewl<-coordinates(gridlines(spobj)["EW"]...@lines[[1]])
>>>        nsl<-coordinates(gridlines(spobj)["NS"]...@lines[[1]])
>>>        ewLabels<-lapply(ewl,function(x) {return(x[1,1])})
>>>        nsLabels<-lapply(nsl,function(x) {return(x[1,2])})
>>>        return(list(EW_Labels=unlist(ewLabels),NS_Labels=unlist(nsLabels)))
>>> }
>>> #' @param spobj an unrpojected sp object that is the basis of the final 
>>> projected outcome
>>> GetLabelCoords<-function(gl,offset=list(ew=0,ns=0)){
>>>        ewc<-coordinates(gl["EW"]...@lines[[1]])
>>>        nsc<-coordinates(gl["NS"]...@lines[[1]])
>>>        ewCoords<-lapply(ewc,function(x) {return(x[1,1])})
>>>        nsCoords<-lapply(nsc,function(x) {return(x[1,2])})
>>>        ewCoords<-lapply(ewCoords,function(x) {return(x+offset$ew)})
>>>        nsCoords<-lapply(nsCoords,function(x) {return(x+offset$ns)})
>>>        return(list(EW_Coords=unlist(ewCoords),NS_Coords=unlist(nsCoords)))
>>> }
>>> #' @param gl the SpatialLines object returned from GetGratLines
>>> #' @param offset a named list with values ew and ns specifying an offset 
>>> for all labels on the axis
>>> And an example:
>>> library(sp)
>>> library(rgdal)
>>> library(maptools)
>>> library(RColorBrewer)
>>> #read in the maptools north carolina shapefile, unprojected
>>> d <- readShapePoly(system.file("shapes/sids.shp", package="maptools")[1], 
>>> proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=NAD27"))
>>> # create a dummy factor variable, with equal labels:
>>> set.seed(31)
>>> d$f = factor(sample(1:5,100,replace=T),labels=letters[1:5])
>>> #specify a custom Albers equal centered on the coordinate data
>>> #this works for points and polygons, but lines need to be converted to 
>>> points
>>> med.lat <- round(median(coordinates(d)[,2]))
>>> med.lon <- round(median(coordinates(d)[,1]))
>>> lat1<-bbox(d)[2,1]+diff(range(bbox(d)[2,]))/3
>>> lat2<-bbox(d)[2,2]-diff(range(bbox(d)[2,]))/3
>>> myProj <- paste("+proj=aea +lat_1=",lat1," +lat_2=",lat2," +lat_0=",med.lat,
>>>                " +lon_0=", med.lon, "+x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80 
>>> +datum=NAD83 +units=m",sep="")
>>> #project the data, the graticule lines. note the gridlines function calls 
>>> the unprojected data
>>> d.proj <- spTransform(d,CRS(myProj))
>>> #grat.lines<-spTransform(gridlines(d,ndisc=500),CRS(myProj))
>>> g<-GetGratLines(d,myProj,list(t=0.25,b=-0.25,l=-0.25,r=0.25))
>>> #create the sp.layout component for the graticule lines
>>> grat.plot<-list("sp.lines",g,lwd="1.5",col="white",first=TRUE)
>>> x_grat_at<-GetLabelCoords(g,offset=list(ew=0))$EW_Coords
>>> y_grat_at<-GetLabelCoords(g,offset=list(ns=0))$NS_Coords
>>> x_grat<-list(draw=TRUE,
>>>                at=x_grat_at,
>>>                labels=as.character(GetDegreeLabels(d)$EW_Labels),
>>>                tck=c(0,0),
>>>                cex=0.75)
>>> y_grat<-list(draw=TRUE,
>>>                at=y_grat_at,
>>>                labels=as.character(GetDegreeLabels(d)$NS_Labels),
>>>                rot=90,
>>>                tck=c(0,0),
>>>                cex=0.75)
>>> spplot(d.proj, c("f"),
>>>                panel=function(...){
>>>                        panel.fill(col="gray90")
>>>                        panel.polygonsplot(...)
>>>                },
>>>                sp.layout=list(grat.plot),
>>>                col.regions=brewer.pal(5, 
>>> "Set3"),scales=list(x=x_grat,y=y_grat))
>>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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> -- 
> Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
> Department of Statistics / Rice University
> http://had.co.nz/

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