Dear list,

In a project I'm currently working I compare a number of interpolation methods for interpolation of evaporation. In addition to the methods available in gstat/automap (krige, idw) I use a number of non-gstat interpolation methods. To perform cross-validation I wanted to be able to use all methods (gstat and non-gstat) and end with the cross-validation result in the same format. This is particularly useful in combination with the function in automap, which provides summary cross-validation statistics and a spatial plot of the cross-validation residuals. The following example illustrates how I solved this for the Tps function from the fields pacakge and Nearest neighbor interpolation (idw with nmax == 1). First a few function definitions (plus Roxygen documentation) and then an example with the meuse dataset:

#' Provides a krige (gstat) like interface to Tps (fields)
#' @param formula A formula to define the dependent and the independent variables, see the documentation of krige. #' @param data The input data, should be a spatial object which supports coordinates extracting through coordinates()
#' @param newdata A spatial object with the prediction locations.
#' @param ... parameters that are passed on to Tps
#' @return The function returns a spatial object with the same class as \code{newdata} with the prediction and the variance (NA in this case). The names of the columns match the outcome of the krige function.
#' @author Paul Hiemstra, \email{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(meuse)
#' coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
#' data(meuse.grid)
#' gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
#' meuse_tps = doTps(zinc~dist, meuse, meuse.grid)
#' meuse_tps = doTps(zinc~1, meuse, meuse.grid)
doTps = function(formula, data, newdata, ..., debug.level = 1) {
  require(fields, quietly = TRUE)
  if(debug.level > 0) cat("[using thin plate splines (from fields)]\n")
  f = as.character(formula)
  dependent = f[2]
  independent = f[3] ## Meerdere covariates zou moeten kunnen
  if(independent == "1") {
    fit = Tps(x = coordinates(data), Y = data[[dependent]], ...)
    newdata$var1.pred = as.numeric(predict(fit, coordinates(newdata)))
    newdata$var1.var = NA
  } else {
fit = Tps(x = coordinates(data), Y = data[[dependent]], Z = data[[independent]], ...) newdata$var1.pred = as.numeric(predict(fit, coordinates(newdata), Z = newdata[[independent]]))
    newdata$var1.var = NA
  newdata$var1.stdev = sqrt(newdata$var1.var)
  return(newdata[c("var1.pred", "var1.var")])

#' Performs nearest neighbor interpolation
#' @param formula A formula to define the dependent and the independent variables, see the documentation of krige. #' Note that nearest neighbor does not support independent variables. Therefor, the formula should always
#'                have the form dependent~1.
#' @param data The input data, should be a spatial object which supports coordinates extracting through coordinates()
#' @param newdata A spatial object with the prediction locations.
#' @param ... parameters that are passed on to Tps
#' @note This functions uses idw with 'nmax' set to 1 to perform nearest neighbor interpolation. #' @return The function returns a spatial object with the same class as \code{newdata} with the prediction and the #' variance (NA in this case). The names of the columns match the outcome of the krige function.
#' @author Paul Hiemstra, \email{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(meuse)
#' coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
#' data(meuse.grid)
#' gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
#' meuse_nn = doNearestNeighbor(zinc~1, meuse, meuse.grid)
doNearestNeighbor = function(formula, data, newdata, debug.level = 1) {
  require(gstat, quietly = TRUE)
  if(debug.level > 0) cat("[using nearest neighbor]\n")
  f = as.character(formula)
  dependent = f[2]
  independent = f[3] ## Meerdere covariates zou moeten kunnen
if(independent != "1") stop("Nearest neighbor does not support independent variables, please formula to 'dependent~1'.")
  newdata = idw(formula, data, newdata, nmax = 1, debug.level = 0)
  newdata$var1.stdev = sqrt(newdata$var1.var)

# Creates an empty crossvalidation result object from 'obj'
createCvObjFromSpatialObj = function(obj) {
  cv_obj = obj
  cv_obj$observed = NA
  cv_obj$var1.pred = NA
  cv_obj$var1.var = NA
  cv_obj$residual = NA
  cv_obj$zscore = NA
return(cv_obj[c("var1.pred","var1.var","observed", "residual", "zscore")])

#' This function performs crossvalidation in the style of
#' In addition to supporting kriging and idw, it also supports
#' thin plate splines (through Tps (fields)).
#' @param formula A formula to define the dependent and the independent variables, see the documentation of krige. #' @param data The input data, should be a spatial object which supports coordinates extracting through coordinates() #' @param func The function which should be used for cross-validation, possibilities are "krige", "idw", "doNearestNeighbor"
#'              and "doTps".
#' @param ... parameters that are passed on to 'func'
#' @return The function returns a spatial object with the class of 'data'. The format #' in which the cross-validation results are presented is equal to that of #' @note At this stage only leave-one-out cross-validation is supported. In addition, the formula supports only a limit #' syntax, i.e. log(zinc) or sqrt(dist) are not possible in the formula. Instead, create a new column in the object,
#'       e.g. meuse$log_zinc = log(meuse$zinc).
#' @author Paul Hiemstra, \email{}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(meuse)
#' coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
#' data(meuse.grid)
#' gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y
#' regres_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~dist, meuse, func = "krige", debug.level = 0) #' nearestneighbor_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "doNearestNeighbor")
#' idw2_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "idw", debug.level = 0)
#' idw4_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "idw", debug.level = 0, idp = 4) #' idw05_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "idw", debug.level = 0, idp = 0.5)
#' ked_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~dist, meuse, func = "krige",
#' model = autofitVariogram(zinc~dist, meuse, model = "Ste")$var_model, debug.level = 0)
#' tps_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "doTps", debug.level = 0)
#' tpsdist_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~dist, meuse, func = "doTps", debug.level = 0)
#', idw2_cv, idw4_cv, idw05_cv, tps_cv, tpsdist_cv, ked_cv)
#' # Use log(zinc) as dependent variable
#' meuse$log_zinc = log(meuse$zinc)
#' kedlog_cv = crossvalidate(log_zinc~dist, meuse, func = "krige",
#' model = autofitVariogram(zinc~dist, meuse, model = "Ste")$var_model, debug.level = 0)
#'# Test if crossvalidate matches
#' dum =, meuse, model = m)
#' all.equal(bla$residual, ked_cv$residual)
crossvalidate = function(formula, data, func = "doTps", ...) {
  pb = txtProgressBar(1, nrow(data), 1, style = 3)
  dependent = as.character(formula)[2]
  cv_obj = createCvObjFromSpatialObj(data)
  for(i in 1:nrow(data)) {
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
    newdata = data[i,]
    cv_data = data[-i,]
    cv_pred =, list(formula, cv_data, newdata, ...))
    cv_...@data[i,"var1.pred"] <- cv_pred$var1.pred
    cv_...@data[i,"var1.var"] <- cv_pred$var1.var
    cv_...@data[i,"observed"] <- data[i,][[dependent]]
  cv_obj$residual = cv_obj$observed - cv_obj$var1.pred

# Example code
coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y
gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y

regres_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~dist, meuse, func = "krige", debug.level = 0)
nearestneighbor_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "doNearestNeighbor", debug.level = 0)
idw2_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "idw", debug.level = 0)
idw4_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "idw", debug.level = 0, idp = 4) idw05_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "idw", debug.level = 0, idp = 0.5)
ked_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~dist, meuse, func = "krige",
model = autofitVariogram(zinc~dist, meuse, model = "Ste")$var_model, debug.level = 0)
tps_cv = crossvalidate(zinc~1, meuse, func = "doTps", debug.level = 0), idw2_cv, idw4_cv, idw05_cv, tps_cv, ked_cv)

Would it be worthwile to the R-sig-geo community to expand this code into a crossvalidate package? This package could provide an easy means of crossvalidating across the different interpolation packages. People could write interface functions such as I did for the Tps function.

So, what do you guys think?


Paul Hiemstra, MSc
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone:  +3130 253 5773

currently @ KNMI

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