On 12/15/2010 09:53 AM, Roger Bivand wrote:
On Wed, 15 Dec 2010, Paul Hiemstra wrote:

Hi people,

I posted a similar question to the ggplot2 mailing list and with their help and a lot of tinkering I got a well working function to add a scalebar to a ggplot plot. I could add the function to automap, but is there another package which would be more appropraite, e.g. sp (Roger?)?


If it was added to sp, sp would depend on ggplot2 and its dependencies, which are quite extensive, and include a circularity, because ggplot2 suggests maptools, which in turn depends on sp. Consequently, sp is not a good idea. It might even make sense to split sp into sp with just classes and methods, and spViz for vizualisation methods, but changing things now is a bit late!

It will be cleaner to try to establish the mapping functionality that uses ggplot2 and sp as a separate package. Maybe Hadley would see this as a sensible development.

Or make a new geom_scalebar :). An alternative could be an sp-contrib package where any additional code relevant to sp can be put.


There are already two supplements to ggplot2 on R-forge, but both moribund, I think, which suggests that this needs thinking through.



ps: new version of code here:

makeNiceNumber = function(num, num.pretty = 1) {
 # Rounding provided by code from Maarten Plieger

createBoxPolygon = function(llcorner, width, height) {
relativeCoords = data.frame(c(0, 0, width, width, 0), c(0, height, height, 0, 0))
 names(relativeCoords) = names(llcorner)
 return(t(apply(relativeCoords, 1, function(x) llcorner + x)))

addScaleBar = function(ggplot_obj, spatial_obj, attribute, addParams = list()) { addParamsDefaults = list(noBins = 5, xname = "x", yname = "y", unit = "m", placement = "bottomright",
                          sbLengthPct = 0.3, sbHeightvsWidth = 1/14)
 addParams = modifyList(addParamsDefaults, addParams)

range_x = max(spatial_obj[[addParams[["xname"]]]]) - min(spatial_obj[[addParams[["xname"]]]]) range_y = max(spatial_obj[[addParams[["yname"]]]]) - min(spatial_obj[[addParams[["yname"]]]])
 lengthScalebar = addParams[["sbLengthPct"]] * range_x
 ## OPTION: use pretty() instead
 widthBin = makeNiceNumber(lengthScalebar / addParams[["noBins"]])
 heightBin = lengthScalebar * addParams[["sbHeightvsWidth"]]
lowerLeftCornerScaleBar = c(x = max(spatial_obj[[addParams[["xname"]]]]) - (widthBin * addParams[["noBins"]]), y = min(spatial_obj[[addParams[["yname"]]]]))

scaleBarPolygon = do.call("rbind", lapply(0:(addParams[["noBins"]] - 1), function(n) { dum = data.frame(createBoxPolygon(lowerLeftCornerScaleBar + c((n * widthBin), 0), widthBin, heightBin))
   if(!(n + 1) %% 2 == 0) dum$cat = "odd" else dum$cat = "even"
 scaleBarPolygon[[attribute]] = min(spatial_obj[[attribute]])
textScaleBar = data.frame(x = lowerLeftCornerScaleBar[[addParams[["xname"]]]] + (c(0:(addParams[["noBins"]])) * widthBin), y = lowerLeftCornerScaleBar[[addParams[["yname"]]]], label = as.character(0:(addParams[["noBins"]]) * widthBin))
 textScaleBar[[attribute]] = min(spatial_obj[[attribute]])

 return(ggplot_obj +
geom_polygon(data = subset(scaleBarPolygon, cat == "odd"), fill = "black", color = "black", legend = FALSE) + geom_polygon(data = subset(scaleBarPolygon, cat == "even"), fill = "white", color = "black", legend = FALSE) + geom_text(aes(label = label), color = "black", size = 6, data = textScaleBar, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 1.2, legend = FALSE))


ggobj = ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, color = zinc), data = meuse) + geom_point()
# Make sure to increase the graphic device a bit
addScaleBar(ggobj, meuse, "zinc", addParams = list(noBins = 5))

On 11/18/2010 09:12 PM, Paul Hiemstra wrote:
Dear list,

A common addition to any spatial plot are a north arrow and a scale bar. I've searched online for a straightforward way to add those to a ggplot plot. I then decided to give a go myself. A crude first attempt for an automatic scalebar addition function is listed below. The example works for the meuse dataset, but a second with a different dataset did yield good results.

My question to you is: is there anyone who has some good tips / example code to add a north arrow and a scalebar to a ggplot image. Any expansions on the code below are also welcome.


ps Some info on my system is listed at the very bottom



string.length = function(s) {
#  browser()
  if(!is.character(s)) s = as.character(s)
  length(strsplit(s, "")[[1]])

makeNiceNumber = function(num, num.pretty = 1) {
  noNumbers = string.length(as.character(round(num)))
return(round(num / 10^(noNumbers - num.pretty)) * 10^(noNumbers - num.pretty))

makeScaleBar = function(obj, plotname, xname = "x", yname = "y", unit = "m", placement = "bottomright") {
#     browser()
  range_x = max(obj[[xname]]) - min(obj[[xname]])
  range_y = max(obj[[yname]]) - min(obj[[yname]])
  if(placement == "bottomright") {
xcoor.max = makeNiceNumber(max(obj[[xname]]) - (0.05 *range_x ), string.length(round(max(obj[[xname]]))) - string.length(round(0.3 * range_x))) xcoor.min = makeNiceNumber(max(obj[[xname]]) - (0.5 *range_x ), string.length(round(max(obj[[xname]]))) - string.length(round(0.3 * range_x)))
    ycoor = min(obj[[yname]]) + (0.05 * range_y)
  } else {
xcoor.min = makeNiceNumber(max(obj[[xname]]) - (0.95 *range_x ), string.length(round(max(obj[[xname]]))) - string.length(round(0.3 * range_x))) xcoor.max = makeNiceNumber(max(obj[[xname]]) - (0.5 *range_x ), string.length(round(max(obj[[xname]]))) - string.length(round(0.3 * range_x)))
    ycoor = min(obj[[yname]]) + (0.95 * range_y)
scalebar.data = data.frame(x = c(xcoor.max, xcoor.min), y = ycoor, lbl = c(paste(xcoor.max - xcoor.min, unit), 0))
  scalebar.data[[plotname]] = min(obj[[plotname]])
return(list(geom_path(aes(x = x, y = y), data = scalebar.data, lwd = 2, color = "black"), geom_text(aes(x = x, y = y, label = lbl), data = scalebar.data, vjust = 1.3)))

sb = makeScaleBar(meuse.grid, "dist", placement = "topright")
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, fill = dist), data = meuse.grid) + geom_tile() + sb[[1]] + sb[[2]]

R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15)
Platform: i486-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit)

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
 [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
 [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C

attached base packages:
[1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods
[8] base

other attached packages:
[1] ggplot2_0.8.7 digest_0.4.2  reshape_0.8.3 plyr_0.1.9    proto_0.3-8
[6] sp_0.9-62

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] lattice_0.19-13

hiems...@fg-113:~$ uname -a
Linux fg-113 2.6.32-21-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 08:10:02 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Paul Hiemstra, MSc
Department of Physical Geography
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Utrecht
Heidelberglaan 2
P.O. Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
Phone:  +3130 253 5773

currently @ KNMI

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