I want to create a kind of heat map for Europe using R. Therefore, I am 
using a txt - file with the columns X, Y and Temperature. This file 
contains about 100 point measurement across Europe. Based on a shape 
file, I want to create a heat map out of these data. This is my code:

    geodata <- read.delim("D:/[...]/GeoRef.txt", sep="\t", header =
    TRUE,row.names = 1, skip = 1)  #reading the textfile  [1]
    coordinates(geodata) <- ~X+Y  # to convert to
    SpatialPointsDataFrame  #[2]
    proj4string(geodata)<-CRS("+proj=moll")  #[3]
    geodata.grid <- spsample(geodata,1000, type = "regular", cellsize =
    c(10,10))  # to create the grid [4]
    gridded(geodata.grid) <- TRUE  #[5]
    image(geodata.grid,"Temperature", xlim=c(bbox(shape)[1,1],
    bbox(shape)[1,2]), ylim =  c(bbox(shape)[2,1], bbox(shape)[2,2]),
    col=rainbow(50, start=3/6, end=0))  #[6]
    shape <- readShapePoly("D:/[...]/world.shp", IDvar=NULL,
    proj4string=CRS("+proj=moll"))  #reading the shape file [7]
    plot(shape, add=TRUE)   #applying shape file on the measured grid [8]

The geodata.grid variable is inspirate by the example following 
'meuse.grid'. But I think this is also the problem as my variable 
geodata.grip varies slightly from the format of the meuse.grid. I was 
following a suggestion posted here:

Can you please tell me how I can create this properly? And, in general, 
is this a recommended way to create such a map?
Thank you very much.

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