Anthony, Looks close, but would be better without some of the loops. Perhaps
like this, for one file: ?

# I do not know the coordinates, but you can fix these:
r <- raster(nrow=448, ncol=304, xmn=0, xmx=10, ymn=0, ymx=10)
# projection(r) <- '????'

filename <- "d:/nt_20080326_f17_nrt_n.bin"
con <- file(filename, 'rb')
x <- readBin(con, "raw", 300)
x <- readBin(con,"int", size=1, signed=FALSE, 150000)

r <- setValues(r, x)

sp <- as(r, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Anthony S Fischbach <>wrote:

> I am struggling to automate this.
> ### script to retrieve first 3 days of data from Oct 2011 ###
> require(rgdal)
> yyyy<- "2011"
> mm<- "10"
> for(dd in 1:3){
>        file <- paste("nt_",yyyy,mm,sprintf("%2.2d", dd),"_f17_nrt_n.bin",
> sep="")
>        data.bin <- paste("
> ", file, sep="")
>        #Open binary connection to the file
>        bincon<- file(data.bin, 'rb')
>        #Here I tried to pass bincon to the .vrt
>        ice<-readGDAL("nsidcBin.vrt")
>        image(ice)
>        close(bincon)
> }
> This fails, because I am not able to pass the binary reading connection
> (bincon) to the vrt file
> I tried to simply write the .vrt file to have the binary data explicitly
> under in the SourceFilename argument
> <SourceFilename relativetoVRT="0">
> </SourceFilename>
> but this fails with the following error.
>  in .local(.Object, ...) :
>  Unable to open
> .
> No error
> Would I be better off to read the binary file in as a matrix and coerce it
> into a spatial pixel dataframe from there?
> require(sp)
> # make loop here
> yyyy<- "2011"
> mm<- "10"
> for(dd in 1:3){
>        file <- paste("nt_",yyyy,mm,sprintf("%2.2d", dd),"_f17_nrt_n.bin",
> sep="")
>        data.bin <- paste("
> ", file, sep="")
>        bincon<- file(data.bin, 'rb')
>        result <- matrix(0,448,304)     #built result matrix with 448 rows
> and 304 columns
>        # step past the first 300 bytes
>        for(i in 1:300){readBin(bincon,"raw",1)}
>        # step through the 448 rows of 304 columns
>        for(i in 1:448){
>                for(j in 1:304){
>                        x <- as.integer(readBin(bincon,"raw",1))
>                        if(x<251) result[i,j]<-  x/250
>                }
>        }
>        close(bincon)
>        image(result)
> }
> >From here I would need to build the spatial pixel data frame from the
> matrix...
> Tony Fischbach, Wildlife Biologist
> Walrus Research Program
> Alaska Science Center
> U.S. Geological Survey
> 4210 University Drive
> Anchorage, AK 99508-4650
> Phone: 907 786-7145
> FAX:     907 786-7150
> From:
> Barry Rowlingson <>
> To:
> Michael Sumner <>
> Cc:
> Anthony Fischbach <>,
> Date:
> 10/12/2011 10:54 AM
> Subject:
> Re: [R-sig-Geo] Reading National Snow and Ice Data Center binary files
> Sent by:
> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 11:08 AM, Barry Rowlingson
> <> wrote:
> >  Annoyingly I don't think gdal's raw data vrt system can find out the
> > number of pixels across/down the raster - you have to code them into
> > the .vrt file. I reckon with a bit of unix (or in extremis, C code)
> > craftiness it would be possible to get the info from the header of the
> > .bin file and write the relevant .vrt file...
> The data format details tells is the files only come in a limited
> number of sizes. I grabbed a .bin file and wrote this .vrt file to sit
> next to it:
> <VRTDataset rasterXSize="304" rasterYSize="448">
>  <VRTRasterBand dataType="Byte" band="1" subClass="VRTRawRasterBand">
>    <SourceFilename
> relativetoVRT="1">nt_20111010_f17_nrt_n.bin</SourceFilename>
>    <ImageOffset>300</ImageOffset>
>    <PixelOffset>1</PixelOffset>
>    <LineOffset>304</LineOffset>
>  </VRTRasterBand>
> </VRTDataset>
> Then in R:
> require(rgdal)
>  ice=readGDAL("nt_20111010_f17_nrt_n.vrt")
>  image(ice)
> and there's Greenland, and various other bits of rapidly melting ice...
> Hope this helps - the important bits of the .vrt file are the 300
> offset the raster X and Y size and LineOffset(which =XSize) and
> obviously the filename...
> I'd write a script to create these .vrt files and then convert
> everything to a standard format like GeoTiff... Note you'll have to
> add the projection info on manually... etc etc etc.
> Barry
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