Dear Mohammed,

there is a growing body of literature using the random forest method (and the related bagging technique) in remote sensing, e.g.:

Pal (2005) in Int. J. Remote Sensing
Lawrence et al. (2006) in Remote Sensing of Environment
Brenning (2009) in Remote Sensing of Environment
Knudby et al. (2010) in Remote Sensing of Environment

(see also references cited by these articles)

Random forests in R can be applied to rasters using several packages including RSAGA and raster. The RSAGA approach is outlined in this article:
(Small update: use the new and more efficient 'local.function' instead of 'multi.local.function' in RSAGA. Note that these functions do not require SAGA GIS to be installed.)

I hope this helps getting you started...


Message: 25 Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 13:05:44 +0530 From: Mohammed
Rashad <> To:
Subject: [R-sig-Geo] Random Forest Classifier Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain

Hi All, I wrant to do Random Forest classification. I installed R,
randomForest classifier package for R but dont know how to use it.

Is there any Open Source Remote sensing application which do RF
classification on satellite images?

Anyone r has random forest classification example?

Any language or package  example no problem.

Does anyone did it in R? if yes how?

I google RF Classification but most of them are for medical disease
and research not for Remote Sensing -- Regards, Mohammed Rashad K M
M.S. (By Research) student Lab for Spatial Informatics Department of
CSE International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad,

Alexander Brenning - T +1-519-888-4567 ext 35783
Department of Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. W - Waterloo, ON - Canada N2L 3G1

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