Hello everyone,

This is going to sound quite silly, but I'm an amateur R user and after a
while I haven't been able to find the solution for my problem...
I've got a shapefile coming from ArcMap 10, with a Projected Coordinate
System: World_Cylindrical_Equal_Area (I chose that one when I was measuring
areas); and a Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_WGS_1984.

I read it with R by using:

 WCountries <- readShapePoly("myfile",ID="COUNTRY")

When I use the expresion "coordinates(WCountries)" some apparently UTM
coordinates appear. How do I know how R has calculated this? because
it keeps saying:

 Is projected: NA
 proj4string : [NA]

Thank you very much!!

Ester Polaina Lacambra

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