Hi R-Sig-Geo  friends,

I have climatic data sets generated with R, and As Erin, I also need to plot spatial attributes (e.g. monthly rainfall), but at a country-level. In addition, I need also to plot spatial variability (e.g. isolines of mean annual precipitation) in the specified country. I am exploring now {rworldmap}, but it seems this is not possible. {PlotGoogleMaps} offers a very nice option, although I am struggling still with generating spatial interpolation for the isolines.

I appreciate tour comments/suggestions.


On 3/29/2012 6:31 PM, Hodgess, Erin wrote:
Perfect...rworldmapExamples has everything.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carson Farmer [mailto:carson.far...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:29 PM
To: Hodgess, Erin
Cc: r-sig-geo@r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] a world type mapping question

Hi Erin (apologies for sending this to you twice, forgot to include list the 
first time),

Have a look at rworldmap:


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Hodgess, Erin<hodge...@uhd.edu>  wrote:
Dear People:

I have a data set with rankings for 18 different countries on several
different concepts.  I would like to produce a world map with colors
on the ones with rankings and perhaps grays on the NA countries.

Is there a data frame/set with a list of countries available, please?



Erin M. Hodgess, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

University of Houston - Downtown

mailto: hodge...@uhd.edu

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Dr. Carson J. Q. Farmer
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School of Geography and Geosciences
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