Hallo everybody!
It's the first time I write in this list and I hope to be clear enough.
Last week I succeeded in performing ordinary, universal and co-Kriging
method using the 'gstat' and the 'rgdal' library.
Now I decided to try to use the 'raster' library instead of the 'rgdal' and
I have no problem with ordinary and co-kriging but I don't know how perform
the Universal Kriging...
Is there anybody that have already done it?


Maurizio Marchi
CRA-SEL (Research Centre for Forestry) AREZZO
 ID skype: maurizioxyz
*Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)*
*"Il bello dell'open-source รจ che le domande possono essere poste alla
*linux user 552.742*

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