Thank you Edzer,
comments inline

On 16 December 2012 19:19, Edzer Pebesma <>wrote:
> Yes, that works:
> > class(stMeuse)
> [1] "STFDF"
> attr(,"package")
> [1] "spacetime"
> > dim(stMeuse)
>     space      time variables
>        10         2         4

I could see that a STFDF object was created, but I still have some concern
with regard to the "id" which need to be attached to the data.frame .

With regards to my example, I tried as well with reverse-order IDs:
> ds <- cbind(ds, time=sort(rep(dts,10)), id=nrow(ds):1)
...or with duplicated IDs like:
> ds <- cbind(ds, time=sort(rep(dts,10)), id=rep(1:10,2))
and the final stMeuse object still seemed the same by looking at
I guess they are not bound to the locations of the spatial object (points
in `meuse` in this case).

> (also note that with the CRAN version of spacetime, you'd need to load

package zoo first in order to run your script)

Got it, thanks ;)


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