I don't see filename defined, or any packages required. Is it the png files
that are a problem or the 'kmlsetup' output? (whatever that is)

See the animation package for extremely simplifed image frame creation btw

On Wednesday, March 6, 2013, Hodgess, Erin wrote:

> Hello again!
> I'm running into a problem with the image function within a loop.  When I
> put it to the screen, it works fine, but when I put it to a PNG file, the
> picture doesn't change.
> Here is the code:
> for(i in 1:11) {
> j1 <- (i-1)*n2 + 1
> j2 <- i*n2
>  predx <- data.frame(pred=kr3$var1.pred[j1:j2],lon=kr3@sp
> @coords[,1],lat=kr3@sp@coords[,2])
>  coordinates(predx) <- ~lon+lat
>  proj4string(predx) <- proj4string(kr3)
>  predx.wgs84 <- spTransform(predx,CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
>  llSPix <- as(llSGDF, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
>  (st <- system.time(llSPix$pred <- idw(pred ~ 1,
>  loc=predx.wgs84,newdata = llSPix, nmax = 16)$var1.pred))
>  cat("stuff",i,"\n")
> f1 <- paste("pred",i,"a.png",sep="")
> #Works fine
> image(llSPix,"pred",col=bpy.colors(),main=f1)
>  assign("file1",f1)
>  cat("filen",file1,"\n")
>  png(filename = file1, width = GRD.wgs84$width,
>  height = GRD.wgs84$height,bg="transparent")
>  par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
>  image(llSPix, "pred", col = bpy.colors())
>  dev.off()
>  kmlsetup(obj = GRD.wgs84, kmlfile =filename,
>  imagefile = file1, name =as.character(2000+i))
> }
> Has anyone run into this before, please?
> Thanks,
> Erin
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Hobart, Australia
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