Hi all,
I am trying to model binomial data (infection status) of people living in 
households. I have run a logistic regression with a household level random 
effect to account for correlation between individuals within households. When I 
look at the value of the random effect (intercept) at each household there 
appears to be residual spatial autocorrelation (using Moran's I and 
semivariograms) between households. I would like to repeat the analyses 
accounting for this spatial autocorrelation between households, i.e. between 
random effects. I'm not a mathematician  but having done some reading it seems 
as if this can't be done using the command glmmPQL in MASS, but perhaps can be 
done using the geoRglm package. BUT, having read through the geoRglm vignette, 
I'm still pretty clueless as to how to code such a model. If anyone could give 
me an example I would be MASSIVELY appreciative. 

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