
The second edition of "Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R" (asdar2)
seems to be shipping now, and contains the following changes to chapters:
- ch 6, "Classes for spatio-temporal Data", replaces the old ch 6,
"Customising spatial data classes and methods". The old ch 6 is now a
vignette in sp:
- ch 7, "Spatial Point Pattern Analysis", pays, compared to the first
edition, more attention to package spatstat
- ch 9, Modelling Areal Data is a merge of the old ch 9, "Areal data
and spatial correlation" and ch 10, "Modelling areal data"
- Chapter 10 (former 11) has been expanded to include recent
developments in Bayesian modelling, including BayesX and R-INLA
packages, and new examples. Spatio-temporal models for disease mapping
are described now as well.

The second edition contains full colour figures, many new examples, and
addresses several new packages, in particular rgeos and spacetime.
References were updated or added. Code examples have been updated, e.g.
the use of overlay() was removed altogether in favour of over(),
aggregate() has been explained, and spatial selections based on
intersection are now done by x[y,] with y a Spatial* object.

After the spatial workshop at UseR!, next week (Jul 9, 17:45 CEST), a
little celebration will take place to launch the second edition --
everyone is invited! Roger and Virgilio will be there in person.

Book site:

The first edition of the book has now appeared in a chinese translation:

Best regards,

On 05/02/2013 12:17 PM, Mathieu Rajerison wrote:
> Hello,
> I've already bought asdar's previous edition.
> It's an excellent book that I recommend. As a beginner in spatial stats, I
> learnt a lot and the content seemed accessible for me.
> Apparently, there's a new edition of asdar book, which I don't know a lot
> about.
> I'd like to know some reasons I'd have to buy the newest edition. New
> chapters, content?
> Mathieu
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Edzer Pebesma
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