Hi all,

Ok so I have a spatial data set with over 3000 polygons. I used poly2nb() to 
identify neighbour relationships and make an nb object. Of the polygons, about 
30 or 40 are islands and have no neighbours according to polynb. Prior to doing 
Bayesian smoothing, I wish to assign neighbours to those islands (and probably 
weight them with a weaker weighting than true neighbours). Anyhow I've tried 
the edit tool for manually editing neighbours. Its basically not useful however 
since there are so many polygons its too hard to see the islands.

So I'd like to write some code to do something like this by manipulating the 

1) Identify islands
2) For each island find nearest neighbour
3) Assign a neighbour relationship between the island and its nearest neighbour
4) Weight it appropriately (half normal weighting for example)

My problem is I don't really have any understanding of the nb object or how it 
stores relationships. I've tried summary() attributes() print() etc etc and 
can't really glean an insight into how to access or edit the inner structure of 
the nblist.

I was hoping someone might have dealt with this before. Or maybe there are 
functions for this I have yet to discover ?

Many thanks,
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