This is partly an R question, partly a "how do you do it by hand"
question--meaning I would be happy for either.

What I am trying to do is slightly unconventional, so please bear with me.
 I do not have a spatial contiguity/weights matrix or a shape file.  What I
do have, however, is the value of interest at a specific geographic
location as well as those values for its 4 neighboring locations.  There
are no weights for neighbors--they should all be equally weighted--let's
say "1" for the sake of simplicity.

With this information, it *should* be possible to calculate a value for
local Moran's I.  Similarly, I think it should be possible to plot the
relationship of the value at this location to those of its immediate
neighbors using a Moran scatterplot, since that is essentially a graph of
spatial lag v. actual value.

However, while I think it should be possible, I have no idea how to do it.
Could I calculate Moran's I or plot a Moran scatterplot using R given the
information I have given?  If not, could any spatial statistics gurus
suggest how to calculate it "by hand"?  In the latter case, I will
ultimately implement it in R, but knowing how to do it by hand would allow
me to write the pseudocode first.


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