On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 8:01 PM, Marcelino de la Cruz
<marcelino.delac...@upm.es> wrote:
> The plot of the data published by Strauss (1975) was scanned and
> digitised by Sandra Pereira, University of Western Australia, 2002."
> So you can digitize yourself the original true coordinates  from the
> plot in Strauss (1975).

 Except the plot in Strauss (1975) doesn't have any coordinate labels!
Nor a scale bar, north arrow or any of that chart junk.

 We have a clue to the scale in that the distance 'r1' marked on the
plot is 'about six feet'. If anyone would like to rescale the redwood
data into units of 'about six feet' then I think that would be a nice
waste of their time.


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