Here I include some usefull command if you decide to use the MYSQL database

##_____ MySQL some working commands

! Connect with the database (you can open the DOS console with the command
C:\Archivos de programa\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin>mysql --port=3307
--host= --user=usuario --password=usuario

!Display all the databases in the MySQL
show databases;

! Use the Usuario database
use Usuario

!Display all the tables stored on Usuario
show tables;

!shows all "usuario" properties!
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'usuario'@'localhost';

!To change the "usuario" password

!Made a new usuer of the usuario database

CREATE USER 'novato'@'' identified by 'andrew';

! Set privileges to usuario

! Shows all users of the "usuario" database
SELECT User, Password, Shutdown_priv FROM user;

!Bring all privileges to the usuario
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON usuario.* TO usuario@'';

!Select something from the table 125146_72_00002_168e01ve "a meteorologic
data serie" stored on the usuario database!
select * from 125146_72_00002_168e01ve

!From previous table select the date column field!
select * from tabla where Fecha between '2005 04:06:00' and '2006 05:06:00';

!To made a table on the usuario database!

CREATE TABLE p2 (Fecha Date, Valor Double),

##__________________________Connect the MySQL with R programm

##Load the MySQL R package

## Made a connection called "con" to the previous MySQL database

con <- dbConnect(dbDriver("MySQL"), dbname = "Usuario", user = "usuario",
password = "usuario", host= "", port="3307")

##List all tables disponibles in the Usuario MySQL database

##Read and store the table "l25163_72_00003_165p01pp"
## the l25163_72_00003_165p01pp table data series is an example of a
precipitation hydrometeorological data stored
## in my computer (dont try to connect with this database because you will
not enough rights)
DatosMEDDMAN <- dbReadTable(con, "l25163_72_00003_165p01pp")

##Display all the field (columns) of the previous table

##To select the column (Value)
DatosMEDDMAN$Value  ## can also work with the command DatosMEDDMAN[,2]

##Display all the field (columns) of the previous table before is stored in
the R programm
dbListFields(con, "l25163_72_00003_165p01pp")

## Write a table in the Usuario MySQL database with the information stored
in the R object DatosMEDDMAN
dbWriteTable(con, "WL2", DatosMEDDMAN)

2013/12/6 <>

> If I have only dbf format of those data base can I use them in R with the
> same codes of hydrometeorological example? Plz provide some example I'm new
> in R.
> Sent from Brishti's iPhone
> On 06.12.2013, at 10:35, Andres Diaz <> wrote:
> I had used MySQL instead of MSSQL and its very similar. i recomend you to
> use this database programm because you can download and install a R package
> that allows you to connect your database and R program.
> The name of the R package is RMySQL, if you want I Can provide you with
> some hydrometeorological examples focused on rainfall and dicharge flow
> data series. (How to connect etc..)
> Once you can acquire your information from the database you can start to
> play with severals statistical/spatial packages builded in R.
> Best regards,
> M. Andrés Díaz L.
> Phd. Candidate
> Sediment Transport Research Group
> Barcelona Tech
> Tel.:+34 934054196
> El viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013, Domagoj Culinovic escribió:
> I have a lot of spatial and statistical data stored in MS SQL Spatial. Now
> i am using web-gis server to produce thematic maps, but for better analyses
> i need R.
> Can someone help me to find solution for MS SQL Spatial. Some examples code
> will be welcome too, because i am new in R.
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