
I have a table with xy coordinates in R and the following packages loaded: 
spatstat, raster, rgdal, sp and zoo. I do know how to use this to make a point 
shapefile, a line shapefile that goes through these points and a smoothed line 
shapefile using rollmean on my original xy coordinates. My workflow it is 
something similar to this:

Table with xy coordinatesBuild a spatial object from tablesave the shapefile 
shape points giving the name of the spatial object, the directory where the 
file will be saved and the name of the file without extension.Use same table 
with xy coordinates to do a polyline shapefile from a 
SpatialLinesDataFrameUsing rollmean do a smoothing of the xy coordinates, and 
save it as a smoothed polyline shapefile.

Ok, now a i have all the objects i want, including SpatialLines and 
SpatialLinesDataFrame for the smoothed coordinates.
Now i want to do the following 2 main transformations using R (i know how to do 
that if i use ArcGIS but i don't want to go back and forth from R to ArcGIS):

a.  Transform the smoothed shapefile (or any of the above "smoothed" objects) 
into points at 1 m apart, and add to the shapefile an attribute table with xy 
coordinates for each point along the smoothed line.

b.  Transform the smoothed shapefile in p points equally distributed along the 
smoothed line (that means for me equal distance – although i don't know what 
that distance is) and add to the attribute table xy coordinates for each point.

Thank you for your input, 

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