> From: imirum_a...@hotmail.com
> To: r-sig-...@r-project.org
> Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 09:23:14 +0000
> Subject: [R-sig-Epi] problem with nb2listw( ) command
> Dear all
> I am using scottish lip cancer data, which contains the columns of observed, 
> expected, AFF(person at risk) and latitude and longitude. i use the commands
>     >  
>  nc<-combine.data.shapefile(data=scotland,shp=shp,dbf=dbf)
> ###CARBayes package    >    
> W.nb<-poly2nb(nc=scotland,row.names=rownames(scotland)) ### spdep
> package 
>    > W.nb
> Out put is 
> Neighbour
> list object:
> Number of
> regions: 56 
> Number of
> nonzero links: 234 
> Percentage
> nonzero weights: 7.461735 
> Average
> number of links: 4.178571 
> 3 regions
> with no links:
> 6554   6655 6756
>       >   col.W<-nb2listw(W.nb,style="B",zero.policy=TRUE)
>       >   col.W
> which gives out put
> Error in
> print.listw(list(style = "B", neighbours = list(c(5L, 9L, 19L :  regions with 
> no neighbours found, use zero.policy=TRUEwhen i use the command 
> >moranI.test(Observed~AFF+offset(log(Expected)),
> as(nc, "data.frame"), "negbin", 999, 
>    listw=col.W, n=length(W.nb), S0=Szero(col.W)
> )
>              Moran's I test of
> spatial autocorrelation 
>              Type of boots.: parametric 
>             Model used when sampling: Negative
> Binomial 
>              Number of simulations: 999 
>             Statistic:  NA 
>             p-value :  NA
> please help if any body has an idea. 
> There were 50 or more warnings (use
> warnings() to see the first 50)
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