Hi Zilefac,

Your problem is not really related to hydroTSM, but to the fact that hydrokrige uses spplot for plotting, which is again based on the lattice package. This does not use the par()-arguments.
Instead there are two other ways for producing multiple plots in one figure:
- Save each of the prediction-results from hydrokrige in a different column of a results-object and plot them with spplot later:
res = hydrokrige("1st dataset")
res$var2.pred = hydrokrige("2nd dataset")$var1.pred
res$var3.pred = hydrokrige("2nd dataset")$var3.pred
spplot(res, c("var1.pred", "var2.pred", ...))

- Use the location arguments of plot.trellis when you plot the resulting objects.
res1 = hydrokrige("1st dataset")
res2 = hydrokrige("2nd dataset")
print(res1, position = c(0,0,.5,.5),more=TRUE)
print(res1, position = c(0,0.5,.5,.5),more=TRUE)

You can in both cases turn of the plotting in hydrokrige, as the function will not be able to do multiplots by itself.

For your second question, you should be able to transform your coordinates with spTransform, if you have the proj4string of your coordinates.


On 11/23/2014 6:13 PM, Zilefac Elvis wrote:
Please I need help with maps in R using the hydroTSM package.
I am doing some map work using this wonderful package but encountered a problem using 
My intention is to generate 4 plots and show them on same window as follows:

if (dev.cur() == 1) x11(width=14,height=8)
par(mfrow=c(4,4),mai = c(0.8, 0.6, 0.1, 0),oma=c(0,1.4,6,0.1))


## Loading the monthly time series of precipitation within the Ebro River basin.

## Loading the gis data

## Loading the shapefile with the subcatchments

## Projection for the Subcatchments file
# European Datum 50, Zone 30N
p4s <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs")

## Selecting the first day of 'EbroPPtsMonthly' for all the stations.
# The first column of 'EbroPPtsMonthly' has the dates
x.ts <- as.numeric(EbroPPtsMonthly[1, 2:ncol(EbroPPtsMonthly)])

## Setting the name of the gauging stations
names(x.ts) <- colnames(EbroPPtsMonthly[1,2:ncol(EbroPPtsMonthly)])

## 1) IDW interpolation and plot
## Probably you will need to resize your window
## Not run:
x.idw <- hydrokrige(x.ts= x.ts, x.gis=EbroPPgis,
                     X="EAST_ED50", Y="NORTH_ED50", sname="ID", 
                     type= "cells",
                     subcatchments= EbroCatchmentsCHE,
                     cell.size= 3000,
                     ColorRamp= "Precipitation",
                     main= "IDW Precipitation on the Ebro")

## End(Not run)

However, the existing plot disappears everytime I run this code.

Question1: How can I run this code 4 times and show the 4 maps on 1 plot window 
as defined by

Question2: Is it possible to convert the X and Y axes values from UTM to lat 
and lon and show them on the map?

Many thanks for your insighful replies.


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Jon Olav Skøien
Joint Research Centre - European Commission
Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
Climate Risk Management Unit

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this email are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent official views of the European Commission.

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