
I'm trying to use the cluster analysis program Flexscan, which I gather is 
similar to Satscan but it computes irregular clusters. This program requires a 
polygon adjacency matrix (termed a 'matrix definition file'). The example they 
provide has a row for every polygon, and for each row every neighboring polygon 
is listed in successive columns. So for instance if row 1 / polygon 1 has 3 
neighbors there will be three polygons listed in columns 2-4.

I have tried some techniques like the spatial weights matrix tools in ArcGIS 
and in Spatstat, but I cannot get the output in this kind of format. Was 
wondering if there is some obvious way to do this in R.

The documentation for Flexscan is here:


Thanks for any help,

Paul M. Lantos, MD, FIDSA, FAAP, FACP
Departments of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
  Pediatric Infectious Diseases
  Hospital Medicine Program
Duke University School of Medicine

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