
Is it possible to import a Lidar LAS file into R with the
rsaga.geoprocessor function of the RSAGA package.  The following code runs
without an error, but all I get in R is the SAGA console output.

The R code below does save a SAGA point cloud file called "test" in my
working directory.  If I delete the `POINTS = "test"` parameter, then
nothing happens as expected.  However, I want to work with the data in R,
and pass the point cloud to other SAGA modules. This can be done in SAGA
without having to save the point cloud.  Can the same be done from R?

How can I get the point cloud imported into the R environment?  Do I need
to coerce it into a matrix, data frame, or Spatial Points object?

R code:



# Set RSAGA environment.

env <- rsaga.env()


dir <- getwd()

# Get module parameters

lasfilelist <- list.files(dir, pattern =".las$", full.names=TRUE,

# send command to RSAGA

test <- rsaga.geoprocessor(lib = "io_shapes_las", module = "Import LAS
                   param = list(FILES = lasfilelist[1], POINTS = "test",
                                T=TRUE, i=TRUE, a=FALSE, r=TRUE, c=FALSE,
                                n=TRUE, R=FALSE, G=FALSE, B=FALSE, e=FALSE,
                                p=FALSE, C=FALSE, VALID=FALSE,
                   env = env)


Here is the console output (the test variable stores the same thing):


library path: C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\saga\modules\io_shapes_las.dll
library name: Import/Export - LAS
tool name   : Import LAS Files
author      : O. Conrad, V. Wichmann (c) 2009


Input Files: "C:/Users/whcms0/'.CPT/Tarewa/Lidar/AX300711.las"
Point Clouds: No objects
gps-time: yes
intensity: yes
scan angle: no
number of the return: yes
classification: no
user data: no
number of returns of given pulse: yes
red channel color: no
green channel color: no
blue channel color: no
edge of flight line flag: no
direction of scan flag: no
point source ID: no
rgb color: no
Check Point Validity: no
R,G,B value range: 16 bit

Parsing AX300711.las ...
Save point cloud: test...


Here is my env:


> env


[1] "."


[1] "saga_cmd.exe"


[1] "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\saga"


[1] "C:\\OSGeo4W64\\apps\\saga/modules"


[1] "2.1.2"


[1] NA




[1] ""


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