Thanks Alex, but the locations still fall in the sea when i plot them using
your recommended Solution. I looked at the sites you proposed and they have
other values for lat_1, lat_0, etc..

2016-02-22 11:04 GMT-07:00 Alex M <>:

> On 02/22/2016 09:50 AM, Agus Camacho wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > Im trying to overlap these points:
> >
> >
> > and a wrld_simpl object:
> > library(maptools)
> > data(wrld_simpl)
> >
> > Over this raster layer
> >
> >
> > This rastr comes from a .nc file without a reference system. The author
> of
> > that .nc file gave me the following data about the .nc.
> >
> > The projection is *Lambert conformal conic* projection
> > CEN_LAT = 38.0
> > CEN_LON = -100.0
> > TRUELAT1 = 25.
> > TRUELAT2 = 45.
> >
> > However, despite i have gone through many sites in the internet, i cant
> > figure it out:
> >
> > a) if that is all the data i need to set a reference system for my points
> > and the wrld_simp object.
> >
> > b) how to change a typical CRS object with such data
> >
> > Ex.CRS ("+proj=lcc+lat_0=38.0+lon0_2=-100+ellps=WGS84")
> >
> > Where do i enter the TRUELAT and CENLAT values?
> > Are there any site that explains easily what the fields in the CRS mean
> and
> > how to change them?
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> I believe:
> +lat_0  = CEN_LAT   Latitude of origin
> +lat_1  = TRUELAT1   Latitude of first standard parallel
> +lat_2  = TRUELAT2   Latitude of second standard parallel
> +lon_0  = CEN_LON   Central meridian
> proj strings are defined by the proj4 libary. It's website listed above
> and the associated mailing lists or gis stackexchange would be the
> places to get help on it.
> It often helps to browse similar projections on
> Enjoy,
> Alex

Agustín Camacho Guerrero.
Doutor em Zoologia.
Laboratório de Herpetologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de
Biociências, USP.
Rua do Matão, trav. 14, nº 321, Cidade Universitária,
São Paulo - SP, CEP: 05508-090, Brasil.

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