Hi guys,

What I am trying to do is to make a map that would show the areas which are 
hot-dry, hot-wet, cold-dry, cold-wet. I have 2 rasters with precipitation and 
temperature values. And I want to plot them over each other so that each 
extreme combination of the 2 variables (hot-dry, hot-wet, cold-dry, cold-wet) 
would have its own colour with respective gradients for the intermediate values 
on the colour scheme, that will have to produce a 2D colour legend. Below 
please see a link to the concept image, that I have produced for explanation. I 
saw such a thing once and thought that was a briliant idea to show how 2 
variables interact, but then I totally forgot where it was. I have been 
googling for 2 days - no result. Any help is very much welcome - the name of 
the thing, name of the software to do it (how to do it would be marvelous), 
keywords to google, workarounds - anything.

Concept image:

Best wishes,
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