Thanks, again. 
It's strange, as the variable "ncfname" is reading off the original file name 
"", and yet, it says that it cannot find the 
variable"cum_co2_emi-CanESM2 (and that is the correct variable name with no 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sumner <>
To: rain1290 <>
Cc: r-sig-geo <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 26, 2019 5:10 pm
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Plotting x and y values using data from two separate 
netCDF files in R

Use the file name as the first argument, and the variable name you want as 
varname = 
Raster doesn't work with output of nc_open
See ?brick
Good luck

On Wed, Mar 27, 2019, 08:05 <> wrote:

Hi Michael,
Thank you so much for your reply! 
I was just trying your suggestion, but when I run the following in R:

x<-raster::brick(ncfname, varname="cum_co2_emi-CanESM2")

I receive the following error:
Error in .varName(nc, varname, warn = warn) : 
  varname: cum_co2_emi-CanESM2 does not exist in the file. Select one from:

I tried switching "ncfname" with "Model1", but I then receive this error:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘brick’ for signature 
Is there a reason for that?
Thanks, again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sumner <>
To: rain1290 <>
Cc: r-sig-geo <>
Sent: Tue, Mar 26, 2019 4:34 pm
Subject: Re: [R-sig-Geo] Plotting x and y values using data from two separate 
netCDF files in R

I would try for a single point: 
x <- raster::brick(ncfname, varname = "cum_co2_emi-CanESM2")y <- 
raster::brick(ncfname1, varname = "onedaymax")
pt <- cbind(30, -5)to_plot <- cbind(raster::extract(x, pt), raster::extract(y, 
Is that close?  You might be better off using, xy = 
TRUE, long = TRUE) if you want all locations at their actual centre. 
See if the times of the 3rd axis are valid (and the same) in getZ(x) and 
There's rarely a need to use ncdf4 directly, though that's important sometimes, 
more so for grids that raster's regular-affine referencing model doesn't 
cheers, Mike

On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 05:29 rain1290--- via R-sig-Geo 
<> wrote:

Hi there,
I am currently trying to plot precipitation data (y-axis values) with 
cumulative emissions data (x-axis) using R. Both of these data are found on two 
separate netCDF files that I have already read into R. Ultimately, What I would 
like to do is plot precipitation as a function of cumulative emissions for a 
selected location (as shown below in the following code). I have, so far, used 
the following code (with "#" to highlight each step):     library(raster)
    library(sp)    #Geting cumulative emissions data for x-axis       
    get<-ncvar_get(Model1, "cum_co2_emi-CanESM2") #units of terratones of   
    carbon (TtC) for x-axis (140 values)
    Year<-ncvar_get(Model1, "time") #140 years
 #Getting Model data for extreme precipitation (units of millimeters/day) for 
y-axis       ncfname1<-""
    get1<-ncvar_get(Model2, "onedaymax") #units of millimeters/day
    #Reading in latitude, longitude and time from this file:
        latitude<-ncvar_get(Model2, "lat") #64 degrees latitude
    longitude<-ncvar_get(Model2, "lon") #128 degrees longitude
    Year1<-ncvar_get(Model2, "Year") #140 years
    #Plotting attempt        randompointlon<-30 #selecting a longitude
    randompointlat<--5 #selecting a latitude
    df<-data.frame(cumulativeemissions=seq(from=1, to=140, by=1),   
    ggplot(data=df, aes(x=get, y=Precipitation, 
    group=1))+geom_line()+ggtitle("One-day maximum precipitation (mm/day)   
    for random location for CanESM2 1pctCO2 as a function of cumulative 
print(Model1) yields the following (I read in variable #2 for now):
14 variables (excluding dimension variables):
                float cum_co2_emi-BNU-ESM[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for BNU-ESM
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-CanESM2[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for CanESM2
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-CESM1-BGC[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for CESM1-BGC
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-HadGEM2-ES[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for HadGEM2-ES
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-inmcm4[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for inmcm4
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-IPSL-CM5A-LR[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for IPSL-CM5A-LR
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-IPSL-CM5A-MR[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for IPSL-CM5A-MR
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-IPSL-CM5B-LR[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for IPSL-CM5B-LR
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-MIROC-ESM[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for MIROC-ESM
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-MPI-ESM-LR[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for MPI-ESM-LR
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-MPI-ESM-MR[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for MPI-ESM-MR
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-NorESM1-ME[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for NorESM1-ME
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-GFDL-ESM2G[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for GFDL-ESM2G
            units: Tt C
        float cum_co2_emi-GFDL-ESM2M[time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            long_name: Cumulative carbon emissions for GFDL-ESM2M
            units: Tt C     1 dimensions:
        time  Size:140
            units: years since 0-1-1 0:0:0
            long_name: time
            standard_name: time
            calender: noleap   4 global attributes:
        description: Cumulative carbon emissions for the 1pctCO2 scenario from 
the CMIP5 dataset.
        history: Created Fri Jul 21 14:50:39 2017
        source: CMIP5 archieve
print(Model2) yields the following:File 
(NC_FORMAT_NETCDF4):     3 variables (excluding dimension variables):
        double onedaymax[lon,lat,time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            units: mm/day
        double fivedaymax[lon,lat,time]   (Contiguous storage)  
            units: mm/day
        short Year[time]   (Contiguous storage)       3 dimensions:
        time  Size:140
        lat  Size:64
            units: degree North
        lon  Size:128
            units: degree East      3 global attributes:
        description: Annual global maximum precipitation from the CanESM2 
1pctCO2 scenario
        history: Created Mon Jun  4 11:24:02 2018
So, in general, this is what I am trying to achieve, but I am not sure if what 
I am doing in the ggplot function is the right approach for this. 
Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated!
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Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia

Dr. Michael Sumner
Software and Database Engineer
Australian Antarctic Division
203 Channel Highway
Kingston Tasmania 7050 Australia

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