Dear list,
I'm working with large netCDF files from the UK Climate Projections portal ( More in detail
I'm reading with the ncdf4 library this
file. Once loaded O can easily handle it but it is a strange reference
system as follow:
            grid_mapping_name: rotated_latitude_longitude
            longitude_of_prime_meridian: 0
            earth_radius: *6371229*
            grid_north_pole_latitude: 39.25
            grid_north_pole_longitude: 198
            north_pole_grid_longitude: 0
If I load the .nc file in QGIS I see that the SR is "+proj=longlat
+a=6371229 +b=6371229 +no_defs" where the values associated to *a* and
*b* variables
are the earth radius. Even if QGIS can read it, the raw file isn't
projected properly (it seems tha QGIS is not able to handle such
Finally, using the ncdf4+raster libraries, I can easily generate e raster
image but then I'm not able to understand I could I re project this raster
in WGS84 reference system.
Any helps?

Maurizio Marchi,
PhD Forest Science - Ecological Mathematics
Skype ID: maurizioxyz
linux user 552742
#EUFGIS national Focal point for Italy
#Annals of Silvicultural Research Associated Editor

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